In Early 2020, two old blokes living in South Suffolk decided to record the local wildlife that they saw, thoughout the year, in their gardens, during local walks on the many footpaths that cross the area and visits to other locations such as nature reserves.
Armed with their cameras, coffee and sandwiches, these intrepid explorers set off to traverse the area of Suffolk that abuts the border with Essex and record what they saw. Each month, different wildlife categories were published in the local news letter, the LSPN.
Excursions, when permitted, were made to RSPB Minsmere, SWT Hazelwood and Lackford to capture the varied wildlife at coastal and lakeland areas.
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If you are interested in knowing more about the birds here then we suggest you look online for further information. The RSPB and the Suffolk Wildlife Trust are two excellent starting points. There are many good reference books including the RSPB handbook and Collins Bird Guide. There are also some excellent bird identification Apps available.